This year I have concentrated on making Ruckies, who are sweet village dwellers, wearing 1940's inspired clothes - and stories that intermingle with another, I have made the Tea Party Collection, the Autumn collection from last year, and other characters who have been living in my head, wanting to be brought to life. Before I knew it, I had made only Ruckies, and the Wild Ones had all but disappeared.
I didn't always succeed, and some Ruckies have had numerous outfits before I felt happy with them!
Whilst I have had fun, and really loved the Ruckies that have come to life, I feel like there is something missing. Some part of the Sprytes I loved so much before, their total wildness - mischievousness, and creating using mosses and furs, shells and beads, horns and bones.
The Ruckies are sweet but tame. The wild part of me is calling out to give life to the ones who live deep in the woods, naked deeply connected to the nature around them, neither good nor evil but protective of those in their care.
Those who live with the crows, the foxes, the Red Kites. The ones who have grown so old they are covered in mosses and lichen, looking like small trees, leaves and flowers sprouting out over their bodies.
The Witches call first, though - a Kitchen Witch and a Hedge Witch call to me the most, bags of herbs and healing plants, longs skirts with aprons, wild hair and crooked hats. They want to be here for Halloween, and you never want to upset a witch.....
yes, don't annoy a witch. LOL. I look forward to seeing some new wildlings.