The Spring God and Goddess

Last year I made my first attempt at bringing to life an idea in my head for a Spring God and Goddess. I was moderately happy - they had the essence of what I felt they needed to be, but, I was in a hurry to have them finished, Spring was quickly running away!
So this year, I felt determined to re-do them. To fully achieve my vision of them.
Now, I really am pleased. They both look more regal, kinder, and really from the wood.
The Goddess, whom I affectionately called Bridget, had a bustle filled with beads, flowers and seeds, atop naturally dyed lace.
The God - who refuses an affectionate nickname - wears an embroidered velvet waistcoat, a sheer shirt with lace edging, and a moss crown.

For a few months I have been toying with the idea of having the Sprytes on stands, and found these, almost perfect. I decorated them with moss, toadstools and dried flowers. 

Bridget has a crown of yellow roses, and a crown wrapped with wool and miniature yellow flowers. 

More yellow flowers make her bouquet, behind which you can see an embroidered oak leaf corset. 

By her feet sits a March Hare, flowers, and mushrooms. 

I have painted small leaves, and pink and white flowers on her hair-line. 

The God wears a reindeer moss crown, which I love. It was enjoyable to make, and really makes a wonderful finishing touch. 

His legs are needle felted and embroidered with spiral patterns. He wears big leather boots, just what he needs for wandering in the Woodlands! 

Here is a closeup of his vest and shirt, where you can also see little leaves I have painted on his waistline. 

At his feet is a nervous little fledgling, stood by the God's feet for safety. 

I plan to take more/better photos soon, in the setting sun! I will also be photographing my new creatures, The Whisps!
Till next time,
The British Faery.
