Looking Forward....

Things are going well over here in Oxford. so well, in-fact, I can  reveal that I am working towards releasing my first collection on Eostre (Easter) as a celebration of new beginnings. The collection will be specifically Eostre themed, each doll representing a tradition or symbol.

I have a long way to go, though - Currently I am busy trying to find the perfect Studio. Do I choose something pretty, a SummerHouse, that will look nice in the courtyard, and I can paint it wonderfully, plant flowers all about it, or do I buy a square, modern, studio space? Something that looks smart, and neat and says 'Some-one's doing serious business here' I haven't even started getting my head around the insulation and inner fittings yet! I never knew there were so many options, so many choices.
It is terribly exciting, though, and I am far from complaining. To have my own space I can go into and close the door, a place that is *outside* of the house so I feel like I have gone to work, and am away from home-comfort distractions, means I can really get my head down and work on making this new collection.
I am almost there with the pattern, my newest Spryte, Mabon, looks perfect, just needs a little bend taking out of her knees, and I think we will be there! I now have 5 Sprytes, Oct, Felian, Berta, Unamed, and Mabon,  all in varying degrees of completion looking at me forlornly, impatiently, amused. I have fixed the problems I was having with the feet, which is such a relief I can hardly explain to you!
I don't have any photos for you, sadly - they are all evading the camera. I'm hoping by the end of next week to catch them.
So now that the pattern is coming together the way I want, I can look towards the materials and supplies I am looking forward to using. English wool, both for stuffing and for their hair and detailing. Fairtrade unbleached cotton and muslin, and then found objects around where I live, feathers, bones, bits of recycled fabrics.
They will be a celebration of all things british, pagan, and Earthly.

I am so excited, the most excited I have been for a long time about my Little Sprytes! And I hope you will come with me on this fantastical journey.

Love, hugs, and Sprytley kisses,
The British Faery
